The adage followed by the Principal of the school, Sh. Harbans Singh Thakur is,” the sky is only the limit". Along with his team of dedicated teachers, he strives to achieve this aim. The teachers apart from being qualified and experienced enjoy the process of teaching and interacting with students.
Education is primarily an overall development of a child. In this competitive world one can survive just by education only, it is clearly implied that we cannot afford to ignore the ever widening scope of education, utility of which is a must for our schools at least, where absolute majority of young boys and girls are flooding to derive the benefits of modern education to aspire in life.
It is our concerted effort to provide educational facilities which would benefit the generations to come. Competition is getting keener day by day and involves planned efforts, we, with the best available infrastructure; promise to make your ward a real go getter.
We must admit that success of any student depends on collective effort of parents and teachers. Let them not blame us for not providing the mechanized pattern.
We at DAV HZL Senior Secondary School, Zawar, fully understand that education does not mean providing all the answers but the aim of education is to create an inquisitive mind which can find the answers for himself and within himself. The dedicated staff of DAV kindles the flame of knowledge in all its pupils that leads them from darkness (of ignorance) to light (of knowledge) in line with the school’s motto: ‘Tamso ma Jyotiragamya.’